P4.1 Kako dodati analogne linije?

Broj Analognih linija(FXO porta) se određuje brojem O2 modula (jedan O2 modul sadrži dva FXO porta, drugim rečima 2 analogne linije) i SO modula (jedan SO modul sadrži jedan FXO port, drugim rečima 1 analognu liniju) instaliranih u MyPBX-u. Tako da ako Vam je potrebno da dodate analogne linije, molimo da se prethodno uverite da ima slobodnih ulaza(slotova) za O2 ili SO module.
Koraci za dodavanje analognih linija su sledeći:
Korak 1: Isključiti MyPBX.
Korak 2: Odvrnuti zavrtnje na MyPBX-u, i otvoriti gornji poklopac. 
Korak 3: Ubaciti O2 ili SO modul u odgovarajući ulaz(slot), vratiti nazad gornji poklopac i zategnuti 4 zavrtnja. Zatim uključiti MyPBX i nove analogne linije će uspešno biti dodate nakon ponovog pokretanja sistema.

The number of Analog trunks (i.e. FXO ports) is determined by the number of O2 modules (one O2 module contains two FXO ports, i.e. 2 analog trunks) and SO modules (one SO module contains one FXO port, i.e. 1 analog trunk) installed in MyPBX. So if you need to add analog trunks, please make sure that there remain module slots for O2 or SO module first.
The steps to add analog trunks are as below:
Step 1: Power off or unplug MyPBX.
Step 2: Unscrew MyPBX, and open the upper case.
Step 3: Insert the O2 or SO module into the corresponding slot and place back the upper case and tighten the 4 screws. Then power on MyPBX and new analog trunks will be added successfully after rebooting. - See more at: http://www.yeastar.com/support/MyPBX_FAQ_Q4.1.asp#sthash.9moWRMvA.dpuf
The number of Analog trunks (i.e. FXO ports) is determined by the number of O2 modules (one O2 module contains two FXO ports, i.e. 2 analog trunks) and SO modules (one SO module contains one FXO port, i.e. 1 analog trunk) installed in MyPBX. So if you need to add analog trunks, please make sure that there remain module slots for O2 or SO module first.
The steps to add analog trunks are as below:
Step 1: Power off or unplug MyPBX.
Step 2: Unscrew MyPBX, and open the upper case.
Step 3: Insert the O2 or SO module into the corresponding slot and place back the upper case and tighten the 4 screws. Then power on MyPBX and new analog trunks will be added successfully after rebooting. - See more at: http://www.yeastar.com/support/MyPBX_FAQ_Q4.1.asp#sthash.9moWRMvA.dpuf